Monday, December 30, 2019

Bmis 208 Cms Systems Inc - 1081 Words

HELPIDO.COM --------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW THE LINK TO GET THE TUTORIAL --------------------------------------------------------------- BMIS 208 CMS SYSTEMS INC ________________________________________ General Background Information: CMS Systems, Inc. is a company that provides information systems consulting services to companies in the telecom industry in the United States and the United Kingdom. Due to its success, CMS is hoping to expand its operations into other parts of Europe. Despite its large size, CMS currently uses a manual/spreadsheet-based process for maintaining employee and client data. Management has now decided†¦show more content†¦Employees currently log their time using an Excel worksheet. An example of this worksheet is presented below. Notice that the employee’s supervisor is listed on the worksheet. A supervisor is currently required to approve his/her employees’ timesheets by placing his/her initials beside his/her name. Deliverable: For this project, you are required to create the GUI for a timekeeping/payroll system for CMS. The system should first allow an employee to enter his/her name and record the time he worked on each project for a given week. Using the spreadsheet above as a guideline, the system must allow the user to enter his/her name and the name of his/her supervisor. Next, the user must enter the number of the week for which he is entering time. Assume a maximum of 52 weeks in a year. Make sure the employee enters only a valid week number. To record an employee’s hours, the user must enter the name of a client, a client’s contract and a project. For each of the 7 days in a week, the user must enter hours worked or check a box that indicates the day is a weekend, a holiday, or a vacation day. If the employee fails to enter any hours for a day and fails to check the weekend/holiday/vacation box for that day, the system should warn the user that the given day is missing information. The system should also ensure that if any work hours are entered for a day, the checkbox for that day should NOT be checked. Finally, the system shouldShow MoreRelatedToyota Supply Chain78751 Words   |  316 PagesTOYOTA’S RENOWNED SYSTEM ANANTH V. IYER SRIDHAR SESHADRI ROY VASHER New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright  © 2009 by Ananth V. Iyer, Sridhar Seshadri, and Roy Vasher. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the priorRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesTenth Edition David A. DeCenzo Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University San Diego, CA Tenth Edition Contributor Susan L. Verhulst Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny, IA John Wiley Sons, Inc. Associate Publisher Executive Editor Senior Editoral Assistant Marketing Manager Marketing Assistant Production Manager Senior Production Editor Freelance Development Editor Senior Designer Interior Design Senior Media Editor Senior Photo Editor

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mat 510 Case Study Statistical Thinking in Health Care

MAT 510 Case Study Statistical Thinking in Health Care Click Link Below To Buy: Week 4 Case Study 1 - Submit here Students, please view the Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Case Study 1: Statistical Thinking in Health Care Due Week 4 and worth 150 points Read the following case study. Ben Davis had just completed an intensive course in Statistical Thinking for Business Improvement, which was offered to all employees of a large health maintenance organization. There was no time to celebrate, however, because he was already†¦show more content†¦Its just that there may be no quick fix we can do by ourselves in the pharmacy. Let me explain how Im thinking about this and how I would propose attacking the problem using what I just learned in the statistical thinking course. Source: G. C. Britz, D. W. Emerling, L. B. Hare, R. W. Hoerl, J. E. Shade. How to Teach Others to Apply Statistical Thinking. Quality Progress (June 1997): 67--80. Assuming the role of Ben Davis, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you apply the approach discussed in the textbook to this problem. Youll have to make some assumptions about the processes used by the HMO pharmacy. Also, please use the Internet and / or Strayer LRC to research articles on common problems or errors that pharmacies face. Your paper should address the following points: 1. Develop a process map about the prescription filling process for HMOs pharmacy, in which you specify the key problems that the HMOs pharmacy might be experiencing. Next, use the supplier, input, process steps, output, and customer (SIPOC) model to analyze the HMO pharmacys business process. 2. Analyze the process map and SIPOC model to identify possible main root causes of the problems. Next, categorize whether the main root causes of the problem are special causes orShow MoreRelatedEssay about Mat 510 Case Study Statistical Thinking in Health Care1040 Words   |  5 PagesMAT 510 Case Study Statistical Thinking in Health Care Click Link Below To Buy: Week 4 Case Study 1 - Submit here Students, please view the Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Case Study 1: Statistical Thinking in Health Care Due Week 4 and worth 150 points Read the following case study. Read MoreMat 510 Week 3 Mat510 Week 37074 Words   |  29 PagesMAT 510 Complete Course MAT510 Complete Course Click Link for the Answer: MAT 510 Week 1 Discussion Business Improvement Please respond to the following: Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss. 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A dispensing error is a discrepancy between a prescription and the medicine that the pharmacy delivers to the patient or distributes to the ward on the basis of this prescription, including the dispensing of a medicine with inferior pharmaceuticalRead MoreStatistical Thinking in Health Care1070 Words   |  5 PagesStatistical Thinking in Health Care Case Study 1 Week 4 By Shirley Davis Dr. Sally Robison Mat 510- Business Statistics November 1, 2015 With information from the case we will attempt to address some explanations to the issue of medication errors being dispensed at HMO pharmacy. A dispensing error is a discrepancy between a prescription and the medicine that the pharmacy delivers to the patient or distributes to the ward on the basis of this prescription, including the dispensingRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesin mathematics in 1999. Chris is a frequent contributor to the AP Statistics Electronic Discussion Group and has reviewed materials for The Mathematics Teacher, the AP Central web site, The American Statistician, and the Journal of the American Statistical Association. He currently writes a column for Stats magazine. Chris graduated from Iowa State University with a major in mathematics and, while acquiring graduate degrees at the University of Iowa, concentrated on statistics, computer programmingRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 PagesI 111TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 3962 To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

What it Means to become a Teacher Free Essays

I used to think that the best part of being a teacher was the brightly colored bulletin boards, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the Crayola Crayons, and the endless supply of organized office supplies neatly placed on the teacher’s desk. I spent countless summers of my childhood assisting my mother, a third grade teacher, with the annual set up of her classroom. On those hot summer days, I admired the creativity, organization, and enthusiasm my mother holds for her profession. We will write a custom essay sample on What it Means to become a Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now It inspired me so much that I decided I too wanted to be a teacher. I’ve come a long way in my initial reason of why I want to me an educator. With my experiences and education in ED109, the reading requirements, class discussions and interview, I now know that teaching is much more fulfilling than what I first observed so many years ago. It takes dedication, willingness to learn, thoughtfulness and compassion to thrive and survive in this profession. The following paper will explore my observations of this experience. I’ll begin with my interview with my mother, a third grade teacher for the past fifteen years, in a low socioeconomic school district. I sat down with her and asked her to share her insight that might help me continue my journey as an up and coming educator. I asked her, ‘what is the best part of being a teacher?’ She responded, ‘every day you feel that you have made a difference in a child’s life. Whether it is teaching them to read, enhancing their social skills or celebrating their achievements – you know that you mattered. When it’s the end of the day and kids say ‘I want to stay here in school – it’s so much fun!’ you know you are the one that got them to love to learn.’ When discussing this with my mother is made me look back at my experiences and helped me to anticipate the fulfillment of student success and the joy of learning. This made me understand the importance of teaching and how teachers impact students every day. I went on to ask her about the challenges she faces in the teaching profession. My mother explained that it can be the work outside working and teaching students. She gave me examples of the paper work involved in keeping accurate scores and grading papers, bus duty, and at times endless school meetings that could be done more efficiently. She explained that is comes with the profession, but definitely not a favorite amongst teachers. When reading the chapters in Pearl Rock Kane’s book My First Year as a Teacher, I  saw other challenges teachers face. For example in chapter two, Ms. Nehemiah struggles to get her class on topic. The book states â€Å"I wanted to discuss F. Scott Fitzgerald’s use of metaphor in The Great Gatsby. They wanted to throw spitballs and whisper dirty words in the back of the room†(Kane 1991). This shows me that it is difficult to control a classroom as a first year teacher and how first year teachers need to come up with effective strategies to be in control. Ms. Nehemiah figures out strategies by communicating with her peers and other teachers that have the experience she doesn’t. This helped her realize her strengths and weaknesses. Her ability to take constructive criticism and reflect on herself is why she is still a teacher today. When interviewing my mother and reflecting on my readings, I was able to gain a better understanding of challenges in a classroom and what I can do to surpass the challenges to be the most effective educator. I wanted to know what she felt new educators needed to know before entering the profession. My mom clearly stated that â€Å"if you are not going to give it your all, don’t do it.† She reflected on a poor experience she had with a student teacher placement she had several years ago. She explained that the student teacher’s heart and passion just wasn’t there and the students and staff could feel it. I gathered from my mom’s response that a strong work ethic, passion for the profession, and willingness to reflect is what is needed to be an effective educator. Her response went along activities on pursuing the profession of teaching. During the class discussions and activities, I learned that there are multiple steps to become a teacher, such as in the state of Massachusetts, you are required to take the MTEL tests for you area of study to become a licensed teacher. Also, you have to maintain a master’s degree in art or science. I would not have had the knowledge of this if I wasn’t in this education class. This class has provided me with a deeper understanding on what it takes to become a teacher and what life as a teacher will be like. Later in the interview, I asked what do colleges need to so in order to prepare new teachers for the profession? My mother’s response was that all colleges and their education students need to dissect and interpret the new Common Core Standards. I gathered from our conversation that new educators will be required to know the standards and will have to develop instruction accordingly. Principals and school districts will search out new educators that are experienced and  familiar with the Common Core. This conversation about the Common Core Standards made me realize that although we have not explored this topic in ED109, as I delve deeper into the education classes at Lasell College, I will look for opportunities to grasp these standards. Finally, I asked what can I expect if I become a teacher? She said ‘Expect that you will lose sleep at night thinking about how you will help Johnny read or that Mary needs a winter coat for recess. You will get out of bed and search your closets for a coat for Mary. You will finally get Johnny to read and when he does, you will celebrate on your car ride home with the radio blasting. You will celebrate and get discouraged. Your patience will be tested, but your heart will be filled. You will have to manage your time and give it your all every day.’ Her response can be connected to the reading and the discussions in class. I remember in class Jess stated something along the lines of ‘You worry about your students even though you aren’t in the classroom. You will lose sleep thinking about lesson plans and you will be stressed out. You can’t let the students see you crumbling if something doesn’t work out exactly as planned, because many things do not go perfectly in a classroom.’ This really stuck with me after being in the class, because it shows the passion and heart you have to have for the profession and if you don’t have that heart and passion you will not survive in the classroom. As for the readings, they connected to my mother’s response, especially in chapter six of My First Year as a Teacher by Pearl Rock Kane because it explains that this teacher worries about her students even after she has taught them. Ms. McClurg says â€Å"And I wonder if any of the students who shared in that fourth-period class remember the long dark winter that turned into spring and how they changed the life of a friendless boy named Leo – and the life of an inexperienced teacher†(Kane 1991). When reading this quote it really shows that a teacher really thinks and reflects about every student they have and had over the years. My thinking about education has developed over the course of the semester. I’ve been able to integrate the class discussions/activities, readings and experiences to develop a deeper, more meaningful understanding of what it takes to become an educator and why I belong in this profession. I plan to further investigate the best teaching practices and skills needed for teaching right here at Lasell College. I will utilize what I learned and now know I too  will make a difference in a child’s life. How to cite What it Means to become a Teacher, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Airline Deregulation Essay Example For Students

Airline Deregulation Essay Word Count: 1038On October 24, 1978, President Carter signed into law theAct. The purpose of the law was to effectively get the federal government out of the airline business. By allowing the airlines to compete for their customers travel dollars, was the thinking, that fares would drop and an increased number of routes would spring up. Expected Results The results of airline deregulation speak for themselves. Since the government got out of the airline business, not only has there been a drop in prices and an increase in routes, there has also been a remarkable increase in airline service and safety. Airline deregulation should be seen as the crowning jewel of a federal de-regulatory emphasis. Prices are down: Airline ticket prices have fallen 40% since 1978. Flights are up: The number of annual departures is up from 5 million in 1978 to 8.2 million in 1997. Flights are safer: Before deregulation, there was one fatal accident per 830,000 flights, now the rate is one per 1.4 million flights. So whats the problem? Misplaced Priorities It appears that the Clinton administration and some in Congress will cut off their nose to spite their face. By almost all measurable ways, airline deregulation has been a success. But in response to a few small start-up airlines complaining to the Department of Transportation about predatory pricing, Washington legislators and regulators are poised to act. Predatory Pricing is code for: fares are too cheap for some airlines to compete in that market cause they will lose money. In response, the Department of Transportation recently proposed guidelines to limit the maximum number of seats an airline can offer on particular routes and which forbid them from dropping prices below certain levels, all in the name of fair competition. In other words, we cant have prices get too cheap because then the Value-Jets of the world wont be able to jump into the market place. Of course then you would be paying $400 to fly from New York to Boston just for the chance to have a thrill-a-minute ride across New England. But as long as a guy with a pair of Ray-Bans and a crop duster can compete with Delta and American, then the D. of T. is happy. Flying High, What Are They Smoking? Where is the common sense in the Clinton Administrations airline policy? The administration claims to desire full competition, but shudders at the one result of competition that truly benefits the consumer low fares. A drop in fares has been the best result of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. It has been the impetus for the increase in the number of flights, which in turn has spurred a drive for greater safety in airlines. But with the current airline market, this development has given us one negative. Since ticket prices have dropped to new lows, the realities of an industry which operates on such economies of scale dictates that only a few competitors have the capacity to operate within the market. This is not the desired effect of either poli tical side on this issue, but it is an economic necessity with the environment that has been created, very similar to that of public utilities and phone companies. The Best of Both Worlds The U.S. airline market admittedly operates in an oligarchal fashion. But is this not the best policy for air travel? The success of the large carriers has enabled a drop in fares, and while entry into the market is difficult, it is not impossible. Upstarts such as Southwest Airlines are able to find a market niche and exploit it into profitability. Maybe benevolent oligarchy should be the term Turn the Market Loose! Those in the de-regulation camp see an opportunity to expand on the Deregulation Act. When the act was written, the government was taken out of the business of setting fares and routes. But various municipalities still retain ownership over airports. Given the massive improvements in the airlines since dergulation, why not apply this same thinking to airport ownership? The results shou ld only be more of the same: better service, cheaper prices, and more market freedom. But the legislation winding its way through the .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .postImageUrl , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:hover , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:visited , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:active { border:0!important; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:active , .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9 .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udce8174a08dafaf68f0f7e0606a1eaa9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Personal Goals Essay

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Write a Good Article

How to Write a Good Article Do you want to write articles that will earn you millions of readership while you also earn from it? What if I told you that I can teach you how to write compelling pieces that can be posted on the best blogs available today and shared by thousands on social media? Someone once said that everyone wants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die. Nothing could be further from the truth. As you follow my lead on these four important tips for writing a great article, it is my prayer that you will religiously follow these steps way after you are done reading this article. So help you, God! Research your Foundation Most aspiring, even seasoned writers face writer’s block. Writer’s block can be defined as a creative meltdown process where a writer can no longer have a lucid, free-flow of ideas to pen down. Nevertheless, you won’t spend the rest of your life having a pity party and fall apart like a two-dollar suitcase. Great article writing demands that you spend a reasonable amount of time expanding your pot of ideas. You may not be a fun of cricket, but at the same time, you can’t write the compelling piece about the game if you don’t understand its’ rules. Brainstorm on your topic, do a proper research and get your facts right. Come up with sub-headings that serve to link the readers to the key topic. Visit libraries, speak to people knowledgeable in that field and use online resources to dig out collaborative sources of information to make your article authentic. Essentially all work is done here at the preparation stage; proper research will lead to the great article. Go for topics that you are passionate about but also worthwhile to your target audience. An enthusiastic approach to your article will engage the audience and prolong its shelf life way after the writer has moved on. The title tells it all The title of your article has the potential to either make you or break you. It doesn’t matter if you write your title first before you do the story or vice versa. You must have a catchy title that draws in your reader, in business terms, this is called the USP- Unique Selling Position. Of what value is it to the reader if he takes his time to read through their article? An effective headline is a teaser that tells us what the article is all about without giving away much but promises a particular value to the reader. Presenting your idea Lead The article should begin with a hook, this is crucial to get your readers glued to what you are talking about. There are various methods to introduce your article and this includes but not limited to the use of shocking statistics or facts, posting a thought- provoking the question, debunking conventional myths or sharing some personal information. Paint a picture Novelty to your article is the definition of your artistic ability to tell the story. Any great article must be written in a creative, coherent and sequential manner that is easy for the reader to read, comprehend, learn and also be entertained. This is where you  prioritize events/ actions, choice of words and their timing on when and where they appear will have an overall effect on your article. A little bit of humor can go a long way in making your article interesting although this should be used sparingly. Too much of humor can water down its intended effect to the reader. The same applies to the use of vocabularies and terminologies. Not unless you are writing a scientific article and you are compelled to write terminologies not known to the average reader, stick to words commonly used in our day to day conversation. Whatever it is you are writing about, etch a mental picture into the mind of the reader as they read along. Call to Action The essence of writing an article is to want people to respond in a particular predetermined manner. This is the call to action and it comes to the conclusion to your story. What lessons do you want people to take away from your article? An image is worth a thousand words If you really must use a picture as part of your story, employ emotional intelligence while selecting it. Photos or pictures should minister to the subconscious and amplify those aspects that you could not put in black and white. It should largely contribute to the overall tone of your article drawn from its artistic perspective which could be humor, or a sense of urgency, curiosity or creativity. Write! Write! Write! Repetition is the mother of learning. Being a great article writer is not an overnight success. You must practice time and again by writing more articles until you perfect the art. Don’t be discouraged by naysayers, keep researching, keep reading, keep asking, and keep writing. I repeat, repetition is the mother of learning.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Grammar Basics Essays

Grammar Basics Essays Grammar Basics Essay Grammar Basics Essay TOPIC WHAT IT MEANS IN DETAIL SUB-TOPIC BASICS GRAMMAR 1) Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rules of Standard Written Grammar, Meaning Concision: In SC English?2) Meaning: Is the meaning of the sentence obvious and this is what we need and in that order unambiguous?3) Concision: Is the sentence written as econornically as possible? to look for right answer 1)Subject-verb Agreement PICKED UP ON THE WAY / KEY TAKE-AWAYS 1) Past particple by itself is not a working verb. For eg. : The electron named in 1894 is not a sentence.2) A sentence can be a fragment in another way: it could start with a Connecting Word and contain o Main Clause (a clause that could stand alone as a sentence as is, with its own subject and verb): Because, which Because and which are connecting words. These are also known as Subordinators, because they turn the clauses they are attached to into Subordinate Clauses, which cannot stand by themselves. To fix this sort of fragment, you either need to attach it to a main clause or,drop the connecting word.3)The GMAT hides the subject, so that you are unsure whether the subject is singular or plural! If you do not know the number of the subject, then you will not be able to elect the verb form that agrees with it. For Eg. The discovery of new medicines (was/ were) vital to the companys growth. the companys growth? you may be able to talk yourself into either choice. 4) If you can remove a phrase from the sentence, and the sentence st ill makes sense, the phrase is likely to be Middles Her expression reflected BOTH anger AND relief. The park was NEITHER accessible NOR affordable. We collected BOTH second- AND third-grade books. The custodian cleaned the basement AND washed the window Infinitives We would like NOT ONLYto hear your side of the story BUT ALSO to provide a response.Participles The actor left quickly, shunning fans AND ducking into a car. Prepositional Phrases Note: the prepositions do not always have to be the same.1) They contended that the committee was biased AND that it should be disbanded.2) You always must fgure out which grammatical structures are logically parallel before making them structurally parallel. Be particularly careful with verbs and verbal forms. Do not assume that all verbs and verbal forms in a sentence must be.3) Linking Verbs.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, so that we do not have to:1) Watch out for nouns used as adjectives!They cannot be antecedents of rep eat that noun elsewhere in the sentence. ronouns. Pronoun errors are so frequent on the GMAT that every time you see a.2) The antecedent to which you. want to refer must actually exist in the pronoun, such as it, its, they, them, or their, you should be sure to check sentence and be functioning as a noun.3) The GMAT tnes to trick you into assuming away little wrinkles in meaning. After all, you knew whether it is being used correctly. The what the author of the first sentence meant to say, right? But make no first question you must ask yourself is this: What is the antecedent of this assumptions. Whenever ou find an antecedent, always check that it makes pronoun? Once you have found the antecedent, you must make sure that it sense in place of the pronoun. makes sense, that it is the only possible antecedent, and that it agrees in4) The antecedent must be unambigious. Every pronoun on the GMAT must number with the pronoun. clearly refer to only one antecedent.5) After finding the ant ecedent, ask yourself if the pronoun agrees with the antecedent in number. If the antecedent is singular, the pronoun that refers to it must be singular. If the antecedent is plural, the pronoun that refers to it must be plural. If you want pronoun to refer to a particular noun, usually make sure that noun is not in the possessive case.7) The Deadly Five: It, Its, They, Them, Their The most common pronoun mistakes involve Third Person Personal Pronouns -the singular it and its, together with the plural they, them and their . Whenever you see one of these five pronouns, you should find the antecedent and check its viability (is the antecedent sensible, unambiguous, and in agreement with the pronoun? ). Be particularly careful with their , which is often used in everyday speech to refer to singular subjects.Subordinate Clauses 3) PRONOUNS : It was important to leave the money in the drawer RATHER THAN on the table. 4) MODIFIERS A modifier describes or modifies someone or something in the sentence. Although modifiers can be as simple as a single word (an adjective or an adverb), GMAT sentences often contain several complex modifiers. Tired out from playing basketball. Charles decided to take a nap . The modifier Tired out from playing basketball describes the noun Charles. Be on the lookout above, tired out from playing basketball is an opening modifier separated from the rest of the sentence by a omma.Many modifying phrases in GMAT sentences are separated by commas from the noun being modified.1) Adjectives and adverbs are one Before verb After verb.10) Which vs. the Present Participle -Ing: Be careful with Which at the end of a sentence. Make sure that it refers only to the preceding noun, not the entire receding clause. The -Ing form is very flexible. It can modify nouns directly (e. g. , the changing seasons). It can modify verbs and their subjects (e. g. , Ilifted the weight, whistling). It can even mod ify an entire clause as above, as long as the entire clause converted into a noun phrase could function as the subject of the verb that is now in -Ing form.This use of the -Ing form works best when you want to express the result of the main clause. Again, in speech we often break these rules-we incorrectly use which to refer to a previous thought that is not a noun. Do not use your ear. Always test which clauses to make sure that the which refers to the noun immediately preceding the which . 1) Simple Tenses The three simple tenses express three basic times: SIMPLE PRESENT: sandy PLAYS well with her mends. SIMPLE PAST: Sandy PLAYED well with her friends yesterday. SIMPLE FUTURE: Sandy WILL PLAY well with her friends tomorrow. ) Progressive Tenses To emphasize the ongoing nature of an action, we can use the Progressive tenses, which use the verb to be and the present participle (-lngform): PRESENT PROGRESSIVE sandy IS PLAYING soccer. PAST PROGRESSIVE sandy WAS PLAYINGsoccer yesterday . FUTURE PROGRESSIVE sandy WILL BE PLAYING soccer tomorrow. 3) In GMAT sentences, do not use the Present Progressive to indicate future actions. This usage is considered too colloquial. WHISTLINGBeat It, I lifted the weight. I lifted the weight, WHISTLING Beat It. BY CONCENTERATING, I lifted the weight I lifted the weight BY CONCENTERATING TO FREE my leg.I lifted the weight. I lifted the weight TO FREE my leg. .Eg: Wrong: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, WHICH has led to a rise in property values. Right: The recent decrease in crime in our neighborhood has led to a rise in property values. Right: Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values. a) Do not use the Present Progressive for general definitions. Instead, use the Simple Present. Wrong: Cherenkov radiation is light that particles AREEMITTING when they ARE radiation is light that particles EMIT when they TRAVEL faster than the effective speed of light in any medium. ) Verbs that express general states do not normally take progressive forms. Wrong: This Such State Verbs include know or signify. inscription IS SIGNIFYING the emperors birth. Right: This inscription SIGNIFIES the emperors birth. ) Keep Verb Tenses Consistent: Sentences with more than one action do not necessarily require more than one verb tense. ln fact, in any given sentence you should try to keep all verb tenses consistent, unless the meaning clearly dictates otherwise. However, some sentences with more than one action do require you to switch verb tenses.Right: He IS thinner now because he SPENT the last six months on a strict diet. 4) The Perfect Tenses: Sometimes, however, actions in a sentence involve Present Perfect:. Right: This country HAS ENFORCED strict immigration laws more complex time sequences than can for thirty years. e expressed with the simple tenses or the simple progressive tenses. These Right: They HAVE KNOWN each other since 1987. actions can be expressed usin g the PERFECT tenses: Present Perfect Past Perfect. And they are tested on the GMAT. a) Present Perfect: Still In Effect. or eg. : We HAVE LIVED in a hut for three days. Present Perfect = HAVE/HAS + Past Participle b) Past Perfect: The Earlier Action. This is formed as follows: Past Perfect = HAD + Past Participle If two actions in a sentence occurred at different times in the past, we often use the Perfect tense for the earlier action and Simple Past for the later action. Tense Sequence Consider the following quotation: Scientist: The supercollider IS ready, it DID not COST too much, and it WILL PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe. We move the tenses back in time one step. Report: The scientist ANNOUNCED that the supercollider WAS ready, that it HAD not COST too much, and that it WOULD PROVIDE new insights into the workings of the universe. Compare the corresponding underlined clauses in the quotation and the report. (a) The supercollider IS ready becomes that t he supercollider IS ready. The Simple becomes that it HAD not COST too much. The Simple Past tense (did cost) becomes Past Perfect (had cost). The action becomes one step further removed from the present. c) It WILL PROVIDE tmtghts becomes that it WOULD PROVIDE instghts. The past Perfect is the Past of the Past, or the Past Twice Removed from the present time. 6) With a past tense reporting verb. move Present to Past. Past to Past Perfect. and Future to Conditional (that is will to would). VERB MOOD 6) In English, most sentences express facts with the Indicative Mood or commands with the Imperative Mood. You can expect to see the Subjunctive Mood in two special situations: l) Unlikely or unreal conditions (usually after if or a similar word). 2) Proposals, desires, and requests formed with certain verbs and the word that . These two uses correspond to two forms of the subjunctive mood: the Hypothetical Subjunctive and the Command Subjunctive. a) Use the Past Perfect tense if you nee d to clarify or emphasize a sequence of actions in the past. b) Do not use the perfect tenses when the simple tenses will do. The GMAT prefers simplicity. Wrong: Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs HAD WALKED the earth. Right: Joe LEARNED about an epoch in which dinosaurs WALKED the earth.Wrong: Joe LEARNEDabout an epoch in which dinosaurs HAD WALKEDthe earth. Right: Joe LEARNEDabout an epoch in which dinosaurs WALKEDthe earth. In the first example, the Past Perfect had walked is unnecessary. Although the action had walked does take place earlier than the action learned, the earlier action does not have a direct bearing on the context of the later action. The sequence of time does not need to be clarified or emphasized. Thus, the Past Perfect is considered wrong in this context. You should use the perfect tenses only when you can Justify them with the rules described.If an action began in the past and continues into the present (or its effect does), use the Present Perfect tense. If one action in the past precedes another, and you need to clarify or emphasize the time sequence, then use the Past Perfect tense. Otherwise, stick to the simpler tenses. a) Hypothetical Subjunctive: Principally, this form occurs after if, as if, or as though. Right: To overcome my fear of germs, I will think about disease as though it WERE harmless. Here are the five common patterns of if then sentences. (1) General Rule with no uncertainty IF sophie EATS Pizza, THEN she BECOMES ill.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Coca Cola's Supply Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coca Cola's Supply Network - Essay Example Spain is a country in which over 21,000 fires happening every year and â€Å"coke recently helped to restore some of the forests around Madrid that have suffered badly from forest fires, planting indigenous species and building dams† (The Coca Cola Company: Spain, 2009). Moreover, Coke helps the countries to develop new environmental legislation and protection with its waste recovery or recycling operations. There are no other companies in the world which can claim the same popularity and wider supply chain networks than Coke. In short, the same popularity of Coca Cola products cannot be claimed by any other products, which is the reason why I chose this organization in order to analyse the supply network. The growth of Coke is phenomenal in some parts of the world and it is necessary to assist the growth prospects with the help of an updated logistics or supply chain management system. Keeping in mind that, Coca Cola is constantly updating their logistics channels, to enhance the capabilities of their distribution system. Route optimization, route planning and load building are some of the strategies adopted by Coke to improve their delivery system. Because of the developments in the infrastructure facilities, new and easy routes might be developed at different areas. Coke explores all such possibilities periodically so that they select the cheapest routes for distributing their products. Coca Cola is keen in incorporating new technologies into their logistics and supply chain operations in order to improve the services of their distribution channels. Recently, they combined their logistics and retail expertise with SAPs software-development talent to create applications to improve delivery to stores (Foley & Kontzer, 2004). The arrival of SAP software enhanced the capabilities of the account managers, delivery drivers, and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Reaction Paper - Essay Example I did not expect this result and therefore, he scored lowly in this context. However, there was a strong point from the Fall Risk Assessment tool, which gave me expected results. Indeed, the participant remained at high risk of falling even with assistance on his legs. In carrying out the social assessment, I encountered a weakness where despite his quietness and lack of many friends, Mr. Vega seems to live a happy life when he tells stories about his kids and his younger life. I also encountered a strong point where the participant got good support from his family that was educated. They knew how to use available resources to keep the patient away from the hospital. In relation to Community Resource Utilization, I realized a strong point in that the patient and family had enough knowledge on how to use community resources. On health promotion activities, I received recommendations from senior medical practitioners that had detailed knowledge on heart failure. I validated that the pa rticipant got the recommendations by the fact that they came in a language he would understand and the fact that his memory was equally sharp. In my line of collecting data and doing interviews, I used an understandable language, polite language, and asked question that were easy to generate a response. Indeed, I was so comfortable with the reception I got, the response from the participant, and the collected data. However, I would recommend the time of collecting data to be long to capture the attention of the old participants wholly. Health promotion is important to the group in that it derives a better understanding on heart failure and its variance with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Essay on Employment Law in Australia Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Employment Law in Australia - Essay Example It may not have been the intention of the employee to depict the scenario that has been adopted by the employer in the situation. In so doing, the employee lacks the forum to explain his or her actions leading to an unfair dismissal that could have been averted had proper investigations be done. Several reasons that employers issue are common grounds for unfair dismissal and infringement of statutory employment rights that each employee is entitled to according to Ford, Notestine, and Hill (2000). A common cause of unfair dismissal is when an employee makes a public interest disclosure (Stewart, 2011) as seen in the case of Andrea who disclosed information that was of public interest but was not necessarily related to the company's operational information. In order to seek fairness in the termination of her employment, Andrea sought to bring a lawsuit against the company in light of common law actions which are lawsuits governed by the general principles of law derived from court dec isions. Andrea is allowed to approach a court of law and initiate a lawsuit against her employer in which she will seek to show that her actions were in no way intended to cause harm to the organization but merely to inform her friends about the impending danger that may be encountered when one leaves their valuables near unlocked doors. It is allowed that a case be heard in the civil court before a tribunal that will determine whether the employee had been dismissed unfairly and even if the dismissal was justified, it will determine whether the nature in which it was done was appropriate and fair to the employee. Andrea is allowed in court to demonstrate the fact that the email she sent to her friends was only meant to warn them about the dangers she herself had encountered in her home so that they can take better care of their belongings in their houses. She can also demonstrate that the email was only sent to the members of staff within the company and not to outsiders as a means of trying to warn and protect her fellow staff members out of concern for their safety. It would only be natural for a person to try and warn her fellow staff members taking the lesson out of her own personal experiences. This is a common concept that is employed by any person who has the best interest of others at heart and would wish to be also warned in the same manner. Ideally, she may also have believed that email was one of means she could have used to reach many people within a short time. This may have been the only motivating factor that made her resort to the use of the medium and not any other construed ideologies that the company may have indicated. This is the information that Andrea did not get to share with her employers before she was dismissed; an explanation that could have cleared up issues. The depiction of the colored arm in her email may work against her because it is perceived as a gesture of racism. This may work against her considering that the company has got a specific policy on racism. It has clearly stipulated that one may not display or transmit sexually explicit images, messages or cartoons or email communications that may contain ethnic slurs or anything that may be construed as harassment or discredit others based on their national origin, race, sex, age, disability, sexual

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nestlé industry

Nestlà © industry Executive Summary Nestlà © is the largest food and beverage industry in the world. Its revenue in million in 2008 were 89,630.00, they employ over 276000 people around the world. (Global 500) Their goals are to produce good, healthy, and tasty foods which are consisted of important nutrients. (Nestlà © South Africa) These features make Nestlà © a unique business which profits by offering products which gives satisfactions to all customers. After we skimmed through the Fortune 500 list of the companies, there were a lot of choices of well known companies, however, we picked up Nestlà © Corporation. Since we grow up with Nestlà ©s products which are nutritional and healthy products, and at the same time very tasty, it seemed interesting for us to do the project about this well known Corporation. The most important issue facing our company today is to maintain the quality of our products and continue to maintain our strong brand name known for its healthy products. Business Mission Vision According to the founder of Nestlà ©, Henri Nestlà ©, Nestlà ©s mission is to: positively influence the social environment in which we operate as responsible corporate citizens, with due regard for those environmental standards and societal aspirations which improve quality of life. Furthermore, the vision and values of Nestlà © are to make Nestlà © a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products. (Nestlà © South Africa) Description of the Business The address of corporate headquarters is: Ave, Nestle 55 Vevey 1800, Switzerland. Nestlà © operates in 83 countries, in five continents. It has more than 509 factories out of which 220 are located in Europe, 153 in America, 136 in Africa Oceania (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) According to the official website of the Company, Nestlà © was formed by Henry Nestlà © in 1867. He was a pharmacist. In the beginning he started to produce milk food for newborn babies, which was the first milk cereal for children. The company was located in Switzerland, where the actual largest headquarter is located even today. Then, in short period the company started to grow and expand, and also offering a large variety of products. Nowadays, the company is a corporation which has multiple stockholders. Throughout its existence, Nestlà © has merged with some international companies. For example, in 1905 merged with a Anglo-Swiss milk company. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) In 1998 Nestlà © purchased the UK largest chocolate factory, then it made some other agreements with some other companies. In 2002, Nestlà © made a partnership with Coca-Cola, then with General Mills, LOreal. These mergers helped Nestlà © expand their market shares on the global international market. (Nestlà ©.) The brand name of Nestlà © comes from Henries surname. It is a short name which can be easily remembered. It is a well known and everyone can identify its logo. The quality of Nestlà ©s products made the brand easily identified, including the slogan of the brand, Good Food, Good Life. Since Nestlà © is a company which operates in the global market, it means that its products are spread worldwide and they are available whenever consumers need them. Nestlà © over the time has developed and continues to maintain a strong reputation on the Food Industry. We consider that Nestlà © is on the stage of brand insistency. This means that costumers insist on getting Nestlà ©s products, and this is considered to be a big advantage for the company. (Nestlà ©) The legal status of Nestlà © is a corporation, which is a business that includes stockholders. The main headquarter of Nestlà © is in Switzerland; Peter Brabeck-Letmathe is the CEO. According to the Global 500, the stockholders equity is 46,006.2 million dollars. (Global 500) The board of directors represents the stockholder on managing the corporation. Nestlà © deals with manufacturing of products, thus, its type of business is manufacturing. Nestlà © produces a fairly similar group of individual products. Its products are produced on similar ways, they have fairly similar prices, which make up a great product line. They produce milk and chocolate products, water, baby food, coffee, and so on. Since Nestlà © is a huge corporate, they produce on large amounts. We know that when a product is being produced in large amount, its production costs are lower, comparing to products produced on small amounts, thus these lower production costs leads Nestlà © to bring its products on the market with reasonable prices, from which the consumers benefit directly. Furthermore, they use a production program which includes green technology (environmental friendly technology) that saves electricity, does not pollute the air which leads to consumers benefits. They sell different types of chocolates, ice creams, coffees, natural water, baby food, flavored milks, etc. Some of the products offered from Nestlà © are NESCAFÉ, NESQUIK, Hot Chocolate, Cocoa, Chocolates, AERO BAR ONE Chocolate Assortments CHOCOLATE LOG CLASSIC Slabs CRISP CRUNCH Baking Chocolate KIT KAT TEX MILKY BAR MILO Nestlà © GOLD ROLO SMARTIES SUCROSE FREE Powdered Milk, Nutren Shakes Convalescing Malnourishment Diabetes Supplements Critical Care Nestlà © Baby Foods, CERELAC Gold CERELAC NESTUM Infant Formula Nestlà © Waters, Still Sparkling Flavoured Water Dispensers Imports Ice Cream, Impulse Take Home Out of Home Nestlà © Cereals, and so on. Consumers may benefit in different ways from buying Nestlà ©s products. From the consumers point of view, when we decide to buy something to eat or drink, we want to get the most satisfaction from it. Thus, we look at its price first, then its ingredients, if it is nutritious, if it is tasty, and healthy. Since Nestlà ©s company objective is to produce healthy, tasty, nutritious food, and they offer them at reasonable prices, we conclude that consumers benefit by buying Nestlà © products. Nestlà ©s products are considered as high quality products. Furthermore the raw material for example for chocolate, milk is purchased only from the milk producers who grow and give food to their cows in natural ways. All Nestlà © products are demanded, because Nestlà © first makes research and market analysis then starts to produce its products. But still chocolate products are the most demanded products from Nestlà ©. In order for Nestlà © to grow and expand its market share is to follow up and to adapt to the current trends that are affecting the food industry. For example, the trend of customers demanding low and no fat products is increasing, and if Nestlà © develops a strategy to adapt and expand production of low and no fat products, this would be a growth opportunity. Franchising is perceived as a way for companies to expand on other markets. In our case, this also would be a growth opportunity, however, they should supervise and control and see if the franchisee is maintaining the quality standards that the Nestlà © Company sets to them. Also Nestlà © officials should make sure that the franchisees are maintaining the prestige and the reputation of the brand. The corporate goals and objectives are to maximize their profits. They tend to achieve this by meeting consumers demand, by offering nutritional products which taste good, coping up with trends. There are many resources for producing products related to food industry. Nestlà ©s success is reliant on fresh milk, cocoa, sugar, water, power supply, materials related packaging, technology, transportation modes. Suppliers define success when there is a huge demand for their products, while the stakeholders define success if they achieve to increase the market shares, having enough resources to meet the demand, and maximizing profits by increasing sales. Market Analysis Nestlà ©s primary target is considered to be people of all ages. In this range there are included infants, children, teenagers, adults, and elderly people. If we take age into consideration, we conclude that it is a factor that distinguishes the consumers, since Nestlà ©s has products made especially for infants, while on the other hand we have other products which are targeted to athletes, or to adults, such as coffee. Despite of the age, gender, income, and education level are not factors to be included in targeting Nestlà © consumers. There is not a special product of Nestlà © which is dedicated to males or females, or to people with different levels of education, while when it comes to income, since our products are not expensive, we dont consider income a factor to target Nestlà ©s products. From the consumers point of view, we define Nestlà © as a successful company if they meet our demands, they always supply us with new products, we find Nestlà ©s products easily and with a fair price. Also, a factor of Nestlà ©s success would be seen if they are aware of social responsibility meaning that they should care more for the benefits of the society as a whole and not only for companies profits. In general, the food industry is in the level of steady market that does not necessarily grow since people always use food products because they are necessity goods which no one can substitute them with something else. Furthermore, even if Nestlà © is always bringing new products on the market, since the population is still growing, we cannot say that it is being placed on the growing level. SWOT analysis Strengths Nestlà © has a very organized structure, it manages to lead in an effective way more than 276 000 employees and that requires great organizational skills. Thus, one of the strengths of the company is considered to be the organizational structure, Nestlà © is divided in sectors and each sector has their CEOs, then it has the executive board and in the top is the CEO. The hierarchy on Nestlà © works perfectly. Efficient chain of supply, it delivers its products in a good condition in a fast way. Furthermore, it is a Socially Responsibility and innovative company. It has skilled and educated employees. Weaknesses Since Nestlà © develops many products, it is impossible to promote each of them. Another weakness is that Nestlà ©s products are dependable on milk, any global disease on cows may impact directly on Nestlà ©s production. Opportunities Nestlà © has many growth opportunities which are considered to be current trends that allow the company to extend its market. If Nestlà © catches up with some of the trends that are affecting food industry then it may be an opportunity to increase their profits. Threats As a threat that intimidates the company may be the current global economic crises. Nestlà © has to react fast with a strategy in order to pass the world recession without many losses. It may overturn into a disaster for the company if they ignore what is happening in the global economy. Another threat is competitions operations. PEST analysis Political The government plays a role on Nestle in terms of the rules that the government makes related to the food industry in general. For example failing to meet any standard of quality, hygiene or other set by the government may result in some sanction or fee for the company. Economic When it is about economics, companies always fear any recession that may occur. So if any recession occurs Nestle will be affected, and result in possible losses. Another way of economic involvement is the tax rises which also interrelated to the Political (government regulations). However if the economy is doing well it means that also Nestle expectations are to do well on the market too, because it has the necessary conditions. Social Change of life styles, income level, place of residence, education level are some social factors, which might have an influence in a company. But when it comes to food industry they doesnt make a huge difference, because food is a necessity and whether you live in urban or rural areas, or whether you are educated or not, you need to eat unless it is a luxury, and most of the Nestle products are for everyday use or necessity. Technological Technological advancements always shape the industries; change the way they are produced, and makes industries much more productive, but also the need for employees is lower. With the new technologies productivity has increased, the delivery of products is easier; products are being safer with the new packaging. Another segment related to technology is that the advertisement of Nestle products is much easier with internet, other media channels. Nestlà © uses market segmentation in order to develop a suitable market mixes for different consumers. For example, they segment market for only water consumers or products which are dedicated only for athletes. First step of market segmentation is to name broad product markets, for example, in the case of Nestlà © would be beverage and then as stated earlier segment this market on only a relatively homogeneous group of consumers, such as athletes. According to Fortune 500 the five most influential competitors of Nestlà © are considered to be Unilever, PepsiCo, Sara Lee, Groupe Danone, ConAgra Foods. However, Nestlà © has advantages over these particular competitors since it is a larger company and can produce with lower cost, thus the products can be offered with lower price, this can be seen as a weakness of these companies over Nestlà ©. They, offer fairly similar products as Nestlà © does. They also use many advertisement tools such as, TV, radio, news paper and so forth, some of them also use direct advertisement against Nestlà ©, for example PepsiCo. According to the research that we have done Nestlà © maintains to be ahead of these companies, so they are not taking market shares from Nestlà ©. In order to increase its market shares, Nestlà © Corporation must continue to develop new products, to spread even more on the countries that do not have factories. It must cope up with trends and forces that are affecting food industry today. The promotional budget of Nestlà © is set every year. Nestlà © for its products uses all known promotional tools. Nestlà ©s logo placed in a product makes Nestlà © responsible for the quality of the product. Advertising plan has an important role on promoting Nestlà ©s products therefore, advertising a product in an effective way increases chances for that product to be successful. They use many advertisement techniques to promote their products such as TV, Radio, Internet, Newspapers, and Magazines. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) Beside advertisement, Nestlà © pays a lot of attention on the Public Relations field. They have a 24 hours media helpline so that journalists can contact them and inquire information whenever they want. Also, Nestlà © has developed a reputation and maintains that reputation through a variety of public relations strategy. The department of PR in Nestlà © tends to maintain a good relationship among employees and develop goodwill. They have developed or branded their CEO in a very professional matter and made him well known also developed its reputation worldwide. Because of their reputation when they can easily contact media to make announcements or Press Releases. According to Nestlà © pricing strategy, Nestlà © has its own set of techniques for setting the prices of the product. It does not primarily focus on the competitors pricing strategies. It emphasizes on the market demand of the product. Nowadays market is going through tough recession, so they set their prices keeping in view the purchasing power of the customers. Moreover the prices of the products are also subjected to the type of consumer product. If the product is a daily use then it can have a minimum price to attract the customer towards your product. Thus the company cannot influence much on the prices. (MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION) Trend 1: Step 1: State the focal issue or decision facing the enterprise. When a customer want to buy a product he goes through a decision process in order to choose between so many offers from different producers for the same product. Now when it comes to the food industry products, there are so many indicators that affect a persons decision. If it is farm friendly than it is an important factor that affects the decision of the buyers. Buyers will always choose the products that are consistent of organic and natural ingredients. In our case Nestlà ©s most important materials that purchases are milk and cocoa. And it is very important that Nestlà © purchases organic and natural milk and cocoa for the production of its products. Step 2: List the key factors that influence this decision. Certainly success will be considered that all of our raw materials (milk and cocoa) to be purchased from the farm-friendly sources. When we sell our products we also put the farm-friendly sign on it than customers will differentiate our products not only with our brand name, Nestlà ©, but also with its farm-friendly sign. Whereas failure would be considered if we fail to purchase organic and natural milk and cocoa. Whether it is because we cannot afford to buy them or nobody produces organic and natural milk, it still would be considered failure to us. In order to purchase the organic and natural sources, we need to know our suppliers. Where are their farms located, are there sufficient hygiene sources, check for possible diseases that cows may have and also some other issues that would affect the milk quality. Step 3: List the driving forces that influence these key factors Predictable: People will shift to the products that are farm-friendly (natural organic). Nestlà © will increase the profit. Nestlà ©s brand name will become stronger. Increase in the number of farmers who offer farm-friendly products Less predictable: Other food industries will use the same strategy. Higher competition. Highly uncertain: Customers will reject the farm-friendly products. The number of farm-friendly farmers will decrease. Step 4: Rank the key factors and driving forces by importance and by uncertainty. Step 5: Compose plots for alternate futures that could impact the decision. Best Case Scenario: The best case scenario would be if our customers like the products that produce by the organic and natural ingredients. And if this happens, customers shift their demand to these kinds of products, and certainly we will have to shift all of our sources in the production of these products. Furthermore we will grow our market because our brand name will be stronger and we expect a market growth for Nestlà ©. Worst Case Scenario: The worst case scenario would be if customers reject the farm-friendly products. And all of our production will be a loss for our company. Therefore we will lose our market shares not only for these kinds of products but also for other products produced by Nestlà ©. And this will lead to the weakening of our brand name. In-between case Scenario: The in-between case scenario would be if people will buy the organic and natural products but there wouldnt be any raise in the market shares or any change in the demand for Nestlà © products. Step 6: Evaluate the decision in each of the postulated scenarios. Best Case Scenario: We have to make the decision of producing our products with organic and natural ingredients because customers always tend to buy products that are natural and organic. And also products with natural and organic ingredients are much healthier and tastier too, so we will provide healthier and tastier products. By using this farm-friendly strategy of production we will affect also in the raise of the number of farmers in the rural areas. Worst Case Scenario: If the worst case scenario occurs than Nestlà © will for sure face losses in the market shares and in other sectors of the company too. In-between case Scenario: With the in-between case scenario occurrence Nestlà © will probably face some losses in some of its sectors, but it will be easier to rehab in a near future. Step 7: Select indicators and signposts for each scenario. Best Case Scenario: There will a huge demand for the products with organic and natural ingredients. Increase the market shares. Increase in profit. Worst Case Scenario: Rejection of farm-friendly products by customers. High production costs. Loose the market shares. In-between case Scenario: Competition. The market shares status: steady. Trend 2: Recently Nestlà © has merged with the Krafts Food Company so they will start to offer frozen pizzas. Since it is easy for people to prepare frozen products, it is considered that this trend will have positive effects on Nestlà ©s profits. Step 1. State the focal issue or decision facing the enterprise. A lot of consumers are interested on frozen products because it is easy to prepare them. If a person can prepare a Pizza for 5 minutes by putting it on Microwave, then they will buy it. The focused target for this products will be people who work and do not have enough time for preparing food. Also, the fact that Nestlà ©s slogan is Good Food, Good Health, it is obvious that the frozen pizzas will be healthy, nutritious and they tasty, therefore, there will be a demand for them. Step 2. List the key factors that influence this decision. In order to achieve this goal, which is to be successful in frozen food industry, we must get information from other food industries which deal with frozen products. We will obtain information which we will analyze, and according to them we will come up with our products. An important factor that influences us to this decision is the name of our company (Nestlà ©), which is a powerful name on the food and beverage industry. People will buy our products more when they realize that Nestlà © is the producer, thus they will increase the demand for the frozen pizzas o There will be a success if with this trend we increase the production and the profit to Nestlà ©. o There will be a failure if the target market will not accept our new products. If they do so, we have to start developing a new trend. Conditions/Events determining the success/failure: o Success  § If the trend increases the profit and bring success of Nestlà ©  § If consumers accept our products and get satisfaction from it  § If the demand of our frozen products will be higher than the demand for our competitors products. o Failure  § If this trend will bring losses to our company  § If frozen products will not be demanded by our target market Critical assumptions defining the logic of these responses o The competition on the food and drink industries nowadays is very large. In order to keep our clients and gain new ones, we must develop the frozen products on the market. Therefore, Nestlà © will be differentiated from other companies and will gain success by this trend. Step 3. List the driving forces that influence these key factors. Highly Predetermined/Predictable o An increase of people who consume frozen products o Increase companies profit o New production technology Less Predictable o A decrease of unemployment rate on rural areas o Market Size o Increase of employees income o Competitive advantage of Nestlà © o Higher production costs Step 4. Rank the key factors and driving forces by importance and by uncertainty. Step 5. Compose plots for alternate futures that could impact the decision. Best Case Scenario If we will be concentrated on frozen products, the demand for our frozen products and the profit of Nestlà © will be higher. In-Between Outcomes The trend of frozen products will keep things going almost on the same direction, but with a lower profit and production. Worst Case Scenario If we will not go through the strategy of our trend, our market size would be decreased and we will no more have competitive advantage. No one would buy frozen products with a high price if they find almost the same product with a lower price. Step 6. Evaluate the decision in each of the postulated scenarios. Best Case Scenario We should make this decision because it is a reasonable decision. First of all, the demand for frozen products is higher. Nowadays, most of the people are working and they need products which they can prepare quickly. By informing people about our trend which is Nestlà ©s Frozen Products, we will change the peoples behavior so the demand for our frozen products will increase even more. In Between On this case, the things will diverge a little from the best case, but we are sure that they will not get very bad. This is not a decision which brings us high profits, but it will help us to avoid failure. Worst Case Scenario If we take this scenario, we will face loses for sure. This is obvious that by having a high production cost, the price will increase, which would keep us away from clients. Step 7. Select indicators and signposts for each scenario. Best Case Scenario Demand for our products Number of clients is high Profit is high In Between The demand for frozen pizzas only (not necessarily other frozen products) Worst Case Scenario High production costs Small number of clients Many competitors Summary During the completion of the project we have done a lot of research to find proper information for each sector of the project assigned to us. We tried to work together on each sector in order to make the project more cohesive. We found very interesting information about Nestlà © and how a big company should operate. We used the terminology and concepts learned through the quarter in the Global Forces and Trends course. During the completion of the project we found out that Nestlà © is a very serious company, each department of Nestlà © has its own responsibilities and it is very well organized. It is important for Nestlà © to observe forces and trends that are affecting the food industry nowadays. It is essential for the company to maintain its market shares and its position in the global market through following the current trends such as: low and no fat products, use of green technology, farm friendly (use of organic and natural sources), healthy and tasty drinks, frozen produc ts and so on. We could expand our knowledge if continue to do more research and explore the company even in more details. Bibliography Global 500. CNN Money. CNN, 01 Jan. 2009. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . MARKETING PROCESS OF NESTLE CORPORATION. Http:// Nestle Corporation, 29 May 2009. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Nestlà ©. Nestlà © Corporation, n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Nestlà © South Africa. Nestlà © Corporation, n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2010. . Scenarios from Homework Arianit Bllaca: Trend: Low and no-fat products Step1: Trend The food industry is a very competitive market and companies are trying to adapt to changes of customer tastes, attitudes, beliefs in order to grab as much market shares as they can. Nestle is one of the most important brand on food industry that deals mainly with producing products such as chocolate, ice creams, beverage and so forth. Although, it is a leading company on this industry it has a very strong competitors. Nowadays many people are concentrating on buying products that have very low or no fat at all. Until now Nestle products had on average amount also included fat. The key issue is whether we as a company should shift our production on products with low and no fat? Or, perhaps give no importance to this trend and focus on other potential trends with higher importance? Step2: Key Factors that influence the decision In order to have clearer picture of the problem and construct a strategy on this issue, we need to have more information on the impact and importance of this trend on our company. We should do primary market research in order to create alternatives for solving the problem. If the results show that there is enough evidence that the trend will impact the market in wide range then we should go on with the decision. o If the companys decision to increase the production of the products that have low or no fat increases market shares, this would be considered as a success. It is also important that the shift of production in this direction will not impact on the cost of producing these types of products; the cost is lower or approximately the same as previous. o Failure is, if the decision for making more products with low or no fat essentially depreciates our customers base. The customers do not respond positively and do not appreciate the change. Conditions/Events determining the success/failure: o Success:  § The decision increases profit.  § The changes made by the company lead to more market shares.  § The actual customers like our new products.  § We are perceived as shapers of the market.  § We wider our customers base. o Failure:  § If our market shares drop significantly.  § The products do not taste as delicious as previous ones.  § The actual customers perceive it as an unnecessary move.  § We cannot attract new customers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Years of Living Nakedly :: Personal Narrative Papers

The Years of Living Nakedly It's a big night for my parents. The friends have come over. The popcorn is popped and buttered and salted. Lively conversation coasts from the living room and into the kitchen where I'm planning my floor show. Why do old people lay about and gab and play Monopoly when they could simply sit back and let me amuse them? Who cares about who owns Marvin Gardens or who gets to be the Scotty Dog? It's Friday night, and all my parents can think to do is invite their friends over to play out their real estate fantasies in a languid waltz of little green plastic houses. Perhaps I'm just jealous because the Monopoly box is always cruelly out of my reach on the top shelf when I want to play -- as if I don't know enough not to swallow a game piece. At any rate, it's time for variety. I strip down buck, saddle my wooden, wheeled, bright yellow Playschool giraffe and scoot into the living room. Adult heads turn and eyes squint as cheeks divide into smiles. I bear down hard as my wheels abruptly meet the green shag rug and strain to plow on through. This is the moment I've been training for. If I don't make at least one complete circuit around the coffee table the whole venture will have been wasted. However, before my round is even half way finished, it's obvious that I've reached my goal. I am the center of attention. Who needs board games and popcorn when you've got a naked kid and his wooden giraffe? My victory is short-lived, though. Amid chuckles and sniggers, Mom quickly scoops me up and Dad impounds my ride, but the damage has been done. After my little cabaret, Monopoly will pale in comparison. In short order I find myself doing time behind the netted walls of my play penitentiary, my senses still reeling from the heady intoxication of a job well done. Let Mom and Dad tromp back to their game. Once I bust out of the stir, no get-together in town will be safe from my naked abandon. Whatever happened to the carefree days when we were young and didn't care what other people thought of us? When I was a little kid I wore absurdly generic clothes, shed them whenever my parents had company, scratched myself whenever I had an itch, and generally worked all manner of tomfoolery without any care as to what others would think.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Splitting a message, and processing and gathering

This recipe will show you how you how to split a message into individual fragments, process each fragment individually, and re-aggregate the processed exchanges back Into a single exchange. In EIP terms, this is known as a Composed Message Processor, and Is made up of a combination of a Splitter and an Aggregated. How to do It†¦ In order to split and aggregate (Join) a message, combine a split DSL statement with an associated Congo as follows: 1. Define an Segregationist's Instance as described In the Aggregating related messages recipe.For this example, we will reuse theSetAggregationStrategy Implementation from that recipe: 2. Define a regular split block as per the Splitting a message into fragments recipe, breaking up the payload as you see fit through the use of an expression. Reference the Segregationist's instance through the strategy attribute in the split element: ${body) In the Java DSL, refer to the Segregationist's instance as the second parameter to the split() stat ement: from(â€Å"direct:in†) . Split(body(), new Straightforwardness()) . End() . To(â€Å"mock:out†); How it works†¦When an exchange reaches the split statement, It Is broken up Into Individual fragments as expected, each of which Is processed through the steps defined within the block. When each split fragment's exchange reaches the end of the split block, It Is passed Into theAggregationStrategy for aggregation. When all of the fragments have been processed, the final aggregated message proceeds down the route from the split block. This Is different from the normal Splitter behavior, which forwards the original message to that statement after the split statement.TIP By default, all processing Is performed by a single thread. You can parallelize the processing of each message fragment by using theparallelprocesslng option as described in the Processing split messages in parallel recipe. There's more†¦ An Segregationist's. When an exception is thrown during the processing of the fragment, the exchange will be immediately passed to Segregationist's. It is then up to the strategy to decide what to do with this information.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Raphael Semmes in the Civil War

Raphael Semmes in the Civil War Raphael Semmes - Early Life Career: Born in Charles County, MD on September 27, 1809, Raphael Semmes was the fourth child of Richard and Catherine Middleton Semmes. Orphaned at an early age, he moved to Georgetown, DC to live with his uncle and later attended Charlotte Hall Military Academy. Completing his education, Semmes elected to pursue a naval career. With the assistance of another uncle, Benedict Semmes, he obtained a midshipmans warrant in the US Navy in 1826. Going to sea, Semmes learned his new trade and succeeded in passing his exams in 1832. Assigned to Norfolk, he cared for the US Navys chronometers and spent his spare time studying law. Admitted to the Maryland bar in 1834, Semmes returned to sea the following year aboard the frigate USS Constellation (38 guns). While aboard, he received a promotion to lieutenant in 1837. Assigned to the Pensacola Navy Yard in 1841, he elected to transfer his residency to Alabama. Raphael Semmes - Prewar Years: While in Florida, Semmes received his first command, the sidewheel gunboat USS Poinsett (2). Largely employed in survey work, he next took command of the brig USS Somers (10). In command when the Mexican-American War began in 1846, Semmes commenced blockade duty in the Gulf of Mexico. On December 8, Somers became caught in a severe squall and began to founder. Forced to abandon ship, Semmes and the crew went over the side. Though he was rescued, thirty-two of the crew drowned and seven were captured by the Mexicans. A subsequent court of inquiry found no fault with Semmes behavior and praised his actions during the brigs final moments. Sent ashore the following year, he took part in Major General Winfield Scotts campaign against Mexico City and served on the staff of Major General William J. Worth. With the end of the conflict, Semmes moved to Mobile, AL to await further orders. Resuming the practice of law, he wrote Service Afloat and Ashore During the Mexican War about his time in Mexico. Promoted to commander in 1855, Semmes received an assignment to the Lighthouse Board in Washington, DC. He remained in this post as sectional tensions began to rise and states started to leave the Union after the election of 1860. Feeling that his loyalties were with the newly-formed Confederacy, he resigned his commission in the US Navy on February 15, 1861. Traveling to Montgomery, AL, Semmes offered his services to President Jefferson Davis. Accepting, Davis sent him north on a mission to covertly buy arms. Returning to Montgomery in early April, Semmes was commissioned as a commander in the Confederate Navy and made head of the Lighthouse Board. Raphael Semmes - CSS Sumter: Disappointed with this assignment, Semmes lobbied Secretary of the Navy Stephen Mallory to allow him to convert a merchant vessel into a commerce raider. Granting this request, Mallory ordered him to New Orleans to overhaul the steamer Habana. Working through the early days of the Civil War, Semmes changed the steamer into the raider CSS Sumter (5). Completing the work, he moved down the Mississippi River and successfully breached the Union blockade on June 30. Outrunning the steam sloop USS Brooklyn (21), Sumter reached open water and began hunting Union merchant vessels. Operating off Cuba, Semmes captured eight ships before shifting south to Brazil. Sailing in southern waters into the fall, Sumter took four additional Union vessels before returning north to coal at Martinique. Departing the Caribbean in November, Semmes captured six more ships as Sumter crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Arriving at Cadiz, Spain on January 4, 1862, Sumter badly required a major overhaul. Prohibited from doing the needed work in Cadiz, Semmes moved down the coast to Gibraltar. While there, Sumter was blockaded by three Union warships including the steam sloop USS (7). Unable to move forward with repairs or escape the Union vessels, Semmes received orders on April 7 to lay up his ship and return to the Confederacy. Taking passage to the Bahamas, he reached Nassau later that spring where he learned of his promotion to captain and his assignment to command a new cruiser then under construction in Britain. Raphael Semmes - CSS Alabama: Operating in England, Confederate agent James Bulloch was tasked with establishing contacts and finding vessels for the Confederate Navy. Forced to operate through a front company to avoid issues with British neutrality, he was able to contract for the construction of a screw sloop at the yard of John Laird Sons Company in Birkenhead. Laid down in 1862, the new hull was designated #290 and launched on July 29, 1862. On August 8, Semmes joined Bulloch and the two men oversaw the construction of the new vessel. Initially known as Enrica, it was rigged as a three-masted barque and possessed a direct-acting, horizontal condensing steam engine which powered a retractable propeller. As Enrica completed fitting out, Bulloch hired a civilian crew to sail the new vessel to Terceira in the Azores. Sailing aboard the chartered steamer Bahama, Semmes and Bulloch rendezvoused with Enrica and the supply ship Agrippina. Over the next several days, Semmes oversaw Enricas conversion into a commerce raider. With the work complete, the he commissioned the ship CSS Alabama (8) on August 24. Electing to operate around the Azores, Semmes scored Alabamas first prize on September 5 when it captured the whaler Ocumlgee. Over the next two weeks, the raider destroyed a total of ten Union merchant ships, mostly whalers, and inflicted around $230,000 in damage. Moving toward the East Coast, Alabama made thirteen captures as the fall progressed. Though Semmes desired to raid New York harbor, a lack of coal forced him to steam for Martinique and a meeting with Agrippina. Re-coaling, he sailed for Texas with the hope of frustrating Union operations off Galveston. Nearing the port on January 11, 1863, Alabama was spotted by the Union blockade force. Turning to flee like a blockade runner, Semmes succeeded in luring USS Hatteras (5) away from its consorts before striking. In a brief battle, Alabama forced the Union warship to surrender. Landing and paroling the Union prisoners, Semmes turned south and made for Brazil. Operating along the coast of South America through late July, Alabama enjoyed a successful spell that saw it capture twenty-nine Union merchant ships. Crossing to South Africa, Semmes spent much of August refitting Alabama at Cape Town. Eluding several pursuing Union warships, Alabama moved into the Indian Ocean. Though Alabama continued to increase its tally, hunting became increasingly sparse particularly when it reached the East Indies. After overhauling at Candore, Semmes turned west in December. Departing Singapore, Alabama was increasingly in need of a full dockyard refit. Touching at Cape Town in March 1864, the raider made its sixty-fifth and final capture the following month as it steamed north toward Europe. Raphael Semmes - Loss of CSS Alabama: Reaching Cherbourg on June 11, Semmes entered the harbor. This proved a poor choice as the only dry docks in the city belonged to the French Navy whereas La Havre possessed privately-owned facilities. Requesting use of the dry docks, Semmes was informed that it required the permission of Emperor Napoleon III who was on vacation. The situation was made worse by the fact that the Union ambassador in Paris immediately alerted all Union naval vessels in Europe as to Alabamas location. The first to arrive off the harbor was Captain John A. Winslows Kearsarge. Unable to gain permission to use the dry docks, Semmes faced a difficult choice. The longer he remained at Cherbourg, the greater the Union opposition would likely become and the chances increased that the French would prevent his departure. As a result, after issuing a challenge to Winslow, Semmes emerged with his ship on June 19. Escorted by the French ironclad frigate Couronne and the British yacht Deerhound, Semmes approached the limit of French territorial waters. Battered from its long cruise and with its store of powder in poor condition, Alabama entered the battle at a disadvantage. In the fight that ensued, Alabama hit the Union vessel several times but the poor condition of its powder showed as several shells, including one that hit Kearsarges sternpost, failed to detonate. Kearsarge faired better as its rounds hit with telling effect. An hour after the battle began, Kearsarges guns had reduced the Confederacys greatest raider to a burning wreck. With his ship sinking, Semmes struck his colors and requested help. Sending boats, Kearsarge managed to rescue much of Alabamas crew, though Semmes was able to escape aboard Deerhound. Raphael Semmes - Later Career Life Taken to Britain, Semmes remained abroad for several months before embarking on the steamer Tasmanian on October 3. Arriving in Cuba, he returned to the Confederacy via Mexico. Arriving in Mobile on November 27, Semmes was hailed as a hero. Traveling to Richmond, VA, he received a vote of thanks from the Confederate Congress and gave a full report to Davis. Promoted to rear admiral on February 10, 1865, Semmes took command of the James River Squadron and aided in the defense of Richmond. On April 2, with the fall of Petersburg and Richmond imminent, he destroyed his ships and formed a Naval Brigade from his crews. Unable to join General Robert E. Lees retreating army, Semmes accepted the rank of brigadier general from Davis and moved south to join General Joseph E. Johnstons army in North Carolina. He was with Johnston when the general surrendered to Major General William T. Sherman at Bennett Place, NC on April 26. Initially paroled, Semmes later was arrested in Mobile on December 15 and charged with piracy. Held at the New York Navy Yard for three months, he gained his freedom in April 1866. Though elected probate judge for Mobile County, federal authorities prevented him from taking office. After briefly teaching at the Louisiana State Seminary (now Louisiana State University), he returned to Mobile where he served as a newspaper editor and author. Semmes died at Mobile on August 30, 1877, after contracting food poisoning and was buried in the citys Old Catholic Cemetery. Selected Sources US Navy: Captain Raphael Semmes CSS AlabamaEncyclopedia of Alabama: Raphael Semmes HistoryNet: Confederate Raider Raphael Semmes

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

TV Nation

TV Nation TV Nation Towering from their podiums, Bush and Gore stand their ground as they answered the arsenal of political questions presented. Gore, quick to answer every time, displays to the public a sense of determination and intuitiveness only a man ready to lead would. Sadly though, he made a vital mistake. Gore wore a blue tie when Bush knew to where a red one. being no dummy, we as the public all know that a real leader whereas a power tie such as red. Bush my not have a lot of solid answers but he shirr looks like an authority on TV with that beautiful tie presenting him as "smart, conning, and by God powerful!" This might have been Gore's poorest judgment call, even though he made a lot of sense with what he was saying. The public needs a leader that is smart, and looks good on TV. By the end of the election it is no wonder that Bush won.Bush's LimoHe was simply the best looking in the media's eyes. Unfortunately this is not far from the reality of this year's election. As the publi c was captured by which man seemed to love his wife more on TV, most missed the importance of the issues at hand. Some people called this the 'feminization' of our media, personally for a while now it would be a stronger argument to say that TV is the 'dummyfication' of our important political business. Taking a look at the history of TV, more examples and the effect it has had, it's safe to say that TV has destroyed how we conduct our important matters.It used to be that people used societal "junk" as a means to get away from the important stuff. In the 30's during the Great Depression people were...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Alzheimers Disease Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alzheimers Disease - Research Paper Example He begins to forget the names of acquaintances, relatives or even members of the family. When the disease starts getting worse, the patient may even forget how to eat, drink or go to toilet. His behavior may become violent and intolerant. Such patients are in need of proper care despite the frustration arising among the members of his family. One is more at the risk of having this disease if he had a similar case in his family. Alzheimer’s disease has become the seventh major death cause in the United States and at present 5.3 million Americans are Alzheimer’s patients (Alzheimer’s Association, 2010). These are anomalous collections of a protein, known as beta-amyloid, inside the neurons, which may form due to abnormal processing of this protein. When an inflammation occurs in the region of these plaques, it causes the death of the neurons. Let’s discuss the symptoms with respect to stages. Stage 1, mild stage, may have symptoms like losing way, trouble in calculating bills, asking something repeatedly, taking longer to perform daily tasks, having trouble in decision-making and problem-solving, putting things in weird places, withdrawing from social life, and showing attitude problems. Stage 2, moderate stage, shows symptoms like requiring assistance in performing daily tasks, forgetting recent happenings and acquaintances, mixing up distant past with recent past, having language problems, wandering away, becoming depressed, facing insomnia and eating troubles. Stage 3, severe stage, has symptoms like being unable to feed oneself, control bowel and urinary movements, speak, read, write or recognize members of the family. Memory vanishes away totally (American Health Assistance Foundation, 2010). Alzheimer’s disease does not have a specific treatment; however, measures can be taken to help patients maintain their mental health and normal behavioral patterns to slow down the progress of the disease (National Institute on Aging, 2010). The

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Cross Cultural Communications-Managers Role Essay - 1

Cross Cultural Communications-Managers Role - Essay Example Managing techniques looks good on paper but difficult to implement in work station. A work station consists of employees from different cultures, people from different regions and with different languages. The organization is a conglomerate of different individuals and it is necessary to coordinate with these individuals to fulfill the organization mission. Cross cultural awareness help organizations and their employees to become internationally focused and fluent with the ability to understand the needs of their local markets, clients and employees. Cross cultural awareness will help to develop an in-depth understanding of the underlying attitudes, values and behaviors’ of different cultures and provide us the chance to tune up the employee attitude according to their nature. Cross cultural awareness will make the employees feel comfort with their peers and increases the intimacy between the employees. The cross cultural misunderstandings can be avoided by educating the emplo yees about the culture aspects of the other employees working in the same work environment The understanding of the cross cultural skills will allow the organization to develop strategies to cope up the employees from varied cultural background.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Epiphenomenalism a retrospective analysis Essay

Epiphenomenalism a retrospective analysis - Essay Example It suggests that mental events are caused by physical events in the brain, but in turn, the mental event has no effects upon the physical events. Epiphenomenalists argue that behaviour is a result of muscular activity resultant from neural impulses and that these impulses are triggered by other impulses that are inputs from the senses. Thus the mind has no role to play in human behavior. Huxley himself compared the mental events to the steam horns that are fitted on a steam locomotive. He said that they play no vital role on the functioning of the steam engine. Mental phenomena according to him cannot create anymore impact on the physical plain anymore than a shadow can create impacts on the footsteps of the person. All mental events can be broadly divided in to two categories according to their nature. The first one comprises of phenomenal experiences such as pain, qualia after images and tastes etc. The second kind of mental events comprises of occurent propositional attitudes such as beliefs and desires. Arguments on epiphenomenalism can concern both types of mental events and one cannot give solid evidence to its sanctity on both levels. The two types of mental events can be connected provided we assume that we have our qualia. Thus if we assume that pains have no physical effects, we could infer that (i) pains do not cause the belief that we are in pain and (ii) beliefs that we are in pain is epiphenomenal. Since if we believe that we are in pain and it leads us to some response (even indirectly) having an effect on the physical plane, then we would have to affirm that the whole proposition of epiphenomena is nothing but absurd because according to the theory, the feeling that we are in pain should have no consequence to events in our physical world. The logic though lies in the premise that events in the physical world have sufficient causes in the physical world and if men tal events were real and separate from physical events, then it would require a violation of physical law. The interactionist model proposed that the pineal gland undergoes changes according to mental events and brings about physical changes. But epiphenomena denies the involvement of any mental events and hence such physical changes of the pineal gland should have to be explained by events in the physical plane. It explicitly states that there will be no such change in the gland until a physical force would cause it to change. This is where epiphenomena disappoint us once more. Its rigidity and lack of accommodative capacity for new findings leave us with no option, but to sideline it and look for a better theory. Other arguments that are contrary to the standing of epiphenomena include the theory of natural selection. For that theory to stand, it should explain the development of consciousness. But a property by which a selection can occur in a species is relevant only when particular thoughts have effects upon specific behavior patterns. Therefore it is imperative that the conscious and the qualia should alter the course of behaviour in the physical world - quite contrary to what epiphenomenalism states. We all know that natural selection is a reality whether we like it or not and hence as a consequence epiphenomenalism fails to stand ground. It also contradicts the existence of other minds. But we do know that